Who regulates the internet?

Something we need to consider in our G325 Regulation module. The internet was initially created for a variety of purposes, by disparate groups of people, from the US military, to Grateful Dead fans. The big question now however, is what regulation – if any should be applied to the internet.It is clearly a force for good, and many positive things have emerged, from Wikipedia to the sharing and dissemination of beneficial ideas in the realms of medicine etc. However, it can also be used to plan terrorist attacks, and to spread disturbing and corrosive ideas and materials harmful to society as a whole.Can anyone agree on what should and shouldn’t be allowed on the ‘net, and even if a concensus could be reached, is there any way of enforcing it? has Pandora’s box been opened so wide that not even Hope remains inside? Furthermore – how much is the Internet a means of generating cash – should access to the ‘net be filtered according to your ability to pay for services – or should it be alevel platform for all?

Here are a few articles and links to get you started on thinking about these knotty problems ,but ultimately, as ever, you will have to make up your own well reasoned arguments.

France24 – Net Neutrality explained
The Great Firewall of CHina – an online audio debate

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China and Google